Staying active during COVID
We have been in lockdown for a few months now, and as we are driven into our homes some of us may see exercise slipping from the top of our to-do lists. This is more than understandable as there are a plethora of issues going on in everybody’s lives (emotional, physical and mental). However, physical exercise is not just important for our physical health, rather it has just as big of an effect (if not more) on our metal state – which is incredibly important at the moment! Post-exercise endorphins help boost our mood, build resilience, distract from negative thoughts and improve quality and quantity of sleep.
The World Health Organization suggests that adults should participate in at least 150-minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every week ,and should further supplement that with resistance-based exercise on three occasions. However, in saying this, every active minute counts and there is no bad way to move your body. Exercise is not always about doing 45-60-minute-long, gruelling sessions, in fact, exercising for as little as 20-minutes has shown to have benefits in improving both our physical and mental function. Listed below are a few ideas that you can implement TODAY at home;
Download a strength workout app (designed by a qualified professional) and try to complete it daily
Look on YouTube for a home workout (once again that is led by a qualified professional) that you can do from the comfort of your home/backyard
Book a Telehealth appointment with a physiotherapist at Bayside Sports Medicine Group who can take you through an exercise program
Change your position at home – every 1-2 hours, get up from the couch/desk and do 15 squats, 15 step ups and 15 push ups to get your body moving
Go for a 20-30-minute walk or jog around the block
Switch your workout location and go to a park or outdoor area and do your workout whilst getting some Vitamin D.
With restrictions on where and when we can exercise, it obviously complicates the process slightly. However, that is not to say that it makes it impossible. It doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be the same level as it was pre-lockdown – all that matters is that you are making the effort to get a session in and improve your overall function.
If you lack confidence in your ability to perform exercise, or are unsure how to commence an exercise program, get in contact with one of our physiotherapists who can help you design a resistance and cardio based program over a Telehealth appointment! We are all in this together, and as health professionals, we want to make the process of commencing or continuing exercise as easy as possible for every individual in the community.